getArray() - Method in class text.CSVGetter
The getArray method will convert the CSVGetter into a 2 Dimensional Array of Objects.
getCatalogs(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class dbms.DBMSBase
Gets a list of the catalogs on the DBMS
getCatalogs(ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class dbms.DBMSSocket
Updates an arraylist you provide to contain all the catalogs (databases) in the currently connected DBMS
getCatalogs() - Method in class system.Bol
Gets the catalogs.
getCatalogs(ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class system.DBMSPlug
Gets the catalogs from the DBMS package.
getCatalogs() - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
Gets the catalogs.
getCenterPanel() - Method in class gui.WizardPanel
The getter for the centered panel, which allows for the contents of the sub type to be added.
getClasses() - Method in class system.Bol
Gets the data classes of the Bol2.
getClasses() - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
Gets the data classes of the Bol2.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class gui.DataTableModel
Get the Class of the selected column
getColumnCount() - Method in class gui.DataTableModel
Gets the number of columns in the data model
getColumnName(int) - Method in class gui.DataTableModel
Gets the name of the column at position col
getColumnNames() - Method in class system.Bol
Returns the current BOL's columnNames arraylist.
getColumnNames() - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
getCommand(int) - Method in class dbms.DBMSDrivers
getConnection(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class dbms.DBMSSocket
Gets a database connection from supplied information
getConnection(String, int, String, String) - Method in class system.Bol
Sends through the various parameters needed for the connection.
getConnection(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class system.DBMSPlug
Gets the connection from the DBMS package
getConnection(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
Sends through the various parameters needed for the connection.
getContent(File, String) - Method in class text.CSVGetter
This method isn't used in the TextFilePackage, but it adds additional flexibility for further expansion, and for uses external to this application.
getContent(String) - Static method in class text.TextFileIO
This method opens a file and returns the file's content.
getCreateClose() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getCreateDatabase() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getCreateOpen() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getCreateSyntax() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getCreateTable() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getCSV() - Static method in class text.FileGetter
Getter for CSV
getData() - Method in class system.Bol
Returns the current BOL's data arraylist.
getData() - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
Gets the data from the bol.
getDatabaseMetaData() - Method in class dbms.DBConnection
returns the current database meta data object
getDataType() - Method in class system.Bol
Checks the data type of the data and returns it.
getDataType(List<List<Object>>) - Static method in class system.DataTypeIdentifier
Gets the data type of the data in the arraylist.
getDataType() - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
getDataTypeSingle(Object, int) - Method in class system.Bol
Get the data type of the string and checks whether it matches the previously set data type.
getDataTypeSingle(Object, int) - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
Get the data type of the string and checks whether it matches the previously set data type.
getDBColumnTypes(ArrayList<Object>) - Static method in class system.DBMSPlug
Sets the database column types based on the column types supplied by the valiadation and the user.
getDELIM() - Static method in class text.TextFileIO
Gets one empty space.
getDouble() - Static method in class cli.ReadKb
Reads a Double from the keyboard
getDouble(String) - Static method in class cli.ReadKb
Reads a Double from the keyboard with prompt
getDouble(String, double, double) - Static method in class cli.ReadKb
Reads a Double from the keyboard with prompt in range min-max inclusive
getDriver() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getElement(int, int) - Method in class text.CSVGetter
The getElement method provides a way of retrieving the stored element within a specified record.
getErrors() - Static method in class system.Bol
Gets the errors from the error list.
getErrors() - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
Gets the errors from the error list.
getHeaderRow() - Method in class gui.GUIColumnNames
The getHeaderRow() method grabs the List from the data structure at that specific index.
getIndex() - Method in class gui.WizardManager
The method gets the index.
getInt() - Static method in class cli.ReadKb
Reads an Integer from the keyboard
getInt(String) - Static method in class cli.ReadKb
Reads a Integer from the keyboard with prompt
getInt(String, int, int) - Static method in class cli.ReadKb
Reads a Integer from the keyboard with prompt in range min-max inclusive
getIOFileInfo() - Method in class cli.CLI
Prompts for and reads the required File path and Filetype from keyboard.
getItmAbout() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmColumnAdd() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmColumnDelete() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmExit() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmExportDB() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmExportText() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmImport() - Method in class gui.Menu
Getters for the menu items.
getItmLF1() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmLF2() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmLF3() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmLF4() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmRecordAdd() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmRecordDelete() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmTableAddColumn() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmTableDeleteColumn() - Method in class gui.Menu
getItmUserManual() - Method in class gui.Menu
getPreferredHeight() - Method in class gui.SingleRecord.JXPanel
getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() - Method in class gui.SingleRecord.JXPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class gui.SingleRecord.JXPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class gui.WizardManager
The getPrefferedSize() method is overrided, and instead of returning the preferred size of the wizard manager panel; it will return the instance size dimension.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getPrimaryKeyUsage() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getResultSet(String) - Method in class dbms.DBMSBase
Uses the DBMSSql commands object to retrieve a resultset for the specific DBMS
getRowCount() - Method in class gui.DataTableModel
Gets the number of rows of data in the data model
getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class gui.SingleRecord.JXPanel
getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() - Method in class gui.SingleRecord.JXPanel
getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() - Method in class gui.SingleRecord.JXPanel
getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) - Method in class gui.SingleRecord.JXPanel
getSelect() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getSeperator() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getSerialisedFile() - Static method in class text.FileMaker
Returns the private FileMaker variable serialisedFile.
getSet() - Method in class text.CSVGetter
The getSet method will provide a way of adding the list to a Map.
getSingleRecord(List<List<Object>>, int) - Static method in class system.DataTypeIdentifier
Gets the singles record in the arraylist of records ata certain position.
getSQLCommand(int) - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getStatement() - Method in class dbms.DBConnection
returns the current statement object
getStatement() - Method in class dbms.DBMSBase
getString() - Static method in class cli.ReadKb
Reads a String from the keyboard
getString(String) - Static method in class cli.ReadKb
Reads a String from the keyboard with prompt
getTables(ArrayList<String>, String) - Method in class dbms.DBMSBase
Gets a list of the tables on a catalog
getTables(ArrayList<String>, String) - Static method in class dbms.DBMSSocket
This method allows access to storing inormation on a database.
getTables(String) - Method in class system.Bol
Gets the databases tables.
getTables(String, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class system.DBMSPlug
Gets the table names of a particular database file.
getTables(String) - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
Gets the databases tables.
getTitle() - Method in class gui.WizardPanel
Allows for the title of the WizardPanel to be retreived.
getURL(String) - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getUseDatabase() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getValidSelection(String[]) - Static method in class cli.TextMenu
Gets valid selection from menu options.
getValue() - Static method in class text.FileGetter
Getter for value
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class gui.DataTableModel
Gets the value of the cell at given table co-ordinates
getVendor() - Method in class dbms.DBMSSql
getVendors() - Method in class dbms.DBMSDrivers
Gets a dynamic list of vendors.
getVendors() - Static method in class dbms.DBMSSocket
An array of vendor names.
getVendors() - Method in class system.Bol
Gets the vendors of supplying DBMS.
getVendors() - Static method in class system.DBMSPlug
Gets the vendors of supplying DBMS.
getVendors() - Static method in class system.ViewPlug
Gets the vendors of supplying DBMS.
GTK_LOOK - Static variable in class gui.MirrorMirror
gui - package gui
GUI_COLUMN_NAMES_TEXT - Static variable in interface gui.WizardConstants
GUI_DATABASE_SETUP_TEXT - Static variable in interface gui.WizardConstants
GUI_EXPORT_DATABSE_TEXT - Static variable in interface gui.WizardConstants
GUI_OPEN_FILE_TEXT - Static variable in interface gui.WizardConstants
GUI_PRIMARY_KEY_TEXT - Static variable in interface gui.WizardConstants
GUI_SAVE_FILE_TEXT - Static variable in interface gui.WizardConstants
GUIColumnNames - Class in gui
The GUIColumnNames is the wizard panel used for the selection, and modification of the column name values.
GUIColumnNames() - Constructor for class gui.GUIColumnNames
The contructor doesn't receive any parameters, but it passes some constant values to the super type for the title, and the image file.
GuiConstants - Interface in gui
Contains constants for user interface.
GUIDatabaseSetup - Class in gui
The GUI Database setup wizard, is the wizard panel used for the selection of the database from the connected DBMS; which gets the values automatically populated, and provides the option of entering their own.
GUIDatabaseSetup() - Constructor for class gui.GUIDatabaseSetup
The initial constructor passes the some constants, which will get used for the creation of the WizardPanel.
GUIExportDatabase - Class in gui
The GUI Export to database wizard provides the dbms package with a gui frontend for exporting the internally stored structures to a chosen database format; which has options for mysql, mssql, and postgresql.
GUIExportDatabase() - Constructor for class gui.GUIExportDatabase
GuiFrame - Class in gui
The GuiFrame class is the main interface which the client views; it contains the tabbed pane, instantiates the single record and data table views, creates the gui wizards, and monitors the actions triggered from the menu system.
GuiFrame() - Constructor for class gui.GuiFrame
The GuiFrame contructor initialises the main gui interface, by instantiating the menu object (which extends JMenuBar) and sets it to the gui frame.
GUIOpenFile - Class in gui
The GUIOpenFile is the file open page of the wizard.
GUIOpenFile() - Constructor for class gui.GUIOpenFile
The contructor of the GUIOpenFile() instantiates the super(title, image) WizardPanel.
GUISaveFile - Class in gui
The GUISaveFile extends the WizardPanel, and provides the user with a panel for the saving of a file.
GUISaveFile() - Constructor for class gui.GUISaveFile
The title and the image file path are passed to the super type instantiation.