Uses of Class

Packages that use WizardPanel

Uses of WizardPanel in gui

Subclasses of WizardPanel in gui
(package private)  class GUIColumnNames
          The GUIColumnNames is the wizard panel used for the selection, and modification of the column name values.
(package private)  class GUIDatabaseSetup
          The GUI Database setup wizard, is the wizard panel used for the selection of the database from the connected DBMS; which gets the values automatically populated, and provides the option of entering their own.
(package private)  class GUIExportDatabase
          The GUI Export to database wizard provides the dbms package with a gui frontend for exporting the internally stored structures to a chosen database format; which has options for mysql, mssql, and postgresql.
(package private)  class GUIOpenFile
          The GUIOpenFile is the file open page of the wizard.
(package private)  class GUISaveFile
          The GUISaveFile extends the WizardPanel, and provides the user with a panel for the saving of a file.

Methods in gui with parameters of type WizardPanel
 void Wizard.registerPanel(java.lang.Object identifier, WizardPanel panel)
          The register panel method, adds the panel received to the card layout (which extends wizard panel) and has additional functionality; more than the average JPanel object.
(package private)  void WizardManager.registerPanel(java.lang.Object identifier, WizardPanel wizardPanel)
          The WizardPanel is added to the cardlayout, and casted back to a JPanel.